Title: National Geographic Noviembre De 2004 ?Se Equivoco Darwin? Nuevo Mapamundi Please feel free to ask any questions. Thank you for viewing our listings and for your business. About National Geographic Magazine " National Geographic (formerly the National Geographic Magazine , [6] sometimes branded as NAT GEO [7] ) is an American monthly magazine published by National Geographic Partners . [8] The magazine was founded in 1888 as a scholarly journal, nine months after the establishment of the society, but is now a popular magazine. In 1905, it began including pictures, a style for which it became well-known. Its first color photos appeared in the 1910s. During the Cold War , the magazine committed itself to present a balanced view of the physical and human geography of countries beyond the Iron Curtain . Later, the magazine became outspoken on environmental issues . Since 2019, controlling interest has been held by The Walt Disney Company ." The text above was obtained from Wikipedia.Org on 3-20-2023