Title: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Magazine June 2018 Planet Or Plastic Please feel free to ask any questions. Thank you for viewing our listings and for your business. About National Geographic Magazine " National Geographic (formerly the National Geographic Magazine , [6] sometimes branded as NAT GEO [7] ) is an American monthly magazine published by National Geographic Partners . [8] The magazine was founded in 1888 as a scholarly journal, nine months after the establishment of the society, but is now a popular magazine. In 1905, it began including pictures, a style for which it became well-known. Its first color photos appeared in the 1910s. During the Cold War , the magazine committed itself to present a balanced view of the physical and human geography of countries beyond the Iron Curtain . Later, the magazine became outspoken on environmental issues . Since 2019, controlling interest has been held by The Walt Disney Company ." The text above was obtained from Wikipedia.Org on 3-20-2023